Saturday, July 25, 2009


Friday, July 24, 2009



In my many years of practice of medical ultrasound I have attended to thousands of women suffering from infertility due to many causes including abortion, legal or illegal.

I had this patient, she has being married for over 7 years with no child. She came to me for ultrasound scan test, after the tests, I noticed that the endometrial cavity was thin and fibrosed with evidence of adhesion. I asked her if she had had a miscarriage, she told me that she had never being pregnant since she got married. I now asked her if she had ever being pregnant before she got married, and what happened to her.
That was when she opened up and told me the whole story.
She was a virgin and had this boyfriend, after much pressure from the young man for some closer intimate moments with her, she finally gave in to keep the relationship. They had sex only once, but unfortunately for her she became pregnant.
In an effort to hide it from their parents , since they were not ready to get married yet and were very young, they both agreed to have an abortion.
They went to a clinic [qualified or not we cannot tell], and had the abortion, after that all was well. She separated from the young man , and had never had sex with any other man until she got married.
Now for seven years she could not get pregnant, she thought she was cursed. She had done many tests and all results were normal but no improvement in her situation. Until she came to me and I made my findings.

In this article , I want to assure you that I am not here to talk about pro abortion nor con abortion issues. I am not here to condemn anyone, nor discuss moral issues of abortion. That is not my place. I am only interested in discussing about infertility, the causes, diagnostic tests, treatments especially a simple assisted reproductive technique called Intrauterine Insemination [IUI].


Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected sexual activity or the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some which may be bypassed with medical intervention.
Women who are fertile experience a natural period of fertility before and during ovulation, and they are naturally infertile during the rest of the menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods are used to discern when these changes occur by tracking changes in cervical mucus or basal body temperature. If a woman keeps having miscarriages, it is also called infertility. Lots of couples have infertility problems. About a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman. In another third of cases, it is because of the man. The rest of the time, it is because of both partners or no cause is found. Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile.

Pregnancy is the result of a process that has many steps. To get pregnant:

A woman’s body must release an egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation).
The egg must go through a fallopian tube toward the uterus (womb).
A man's sperm must join with (fertilize) the egg along the way.
The fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus (implantation).
Infertility can happen if there are problems with any of these steps.

There are strict definitions of infertility used by many doctors. However, there are also similar terms, e.g. subfertility for a more benign condition and fecundity for the natural improbability to conceive. Infertility in a couple can be due to either the woman or the man, not necessarily both.

A couple is considered to be infertile if:
the couple has not conceived after 12 months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is under the age of 34
the couple has not conceived after 6 months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is over the age of 35 (declining egg quality of females over the age of 35 account for the age-based discrepancy as when to seek medical intervention)
the female is incapable of carrying a pregnancy to term.

A couple that has tried unsuccessfully to have a child for a year or more is said to be subfertile meaning less fertile than a typical couple. The couple's fecundability rate is approximately 3-5%. Many of its causes are the same as those of infertility. Such causes could be endometriosis, or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Primary vs. secondary infertility
Couples with primary infertility have never been able to conceive, while, on the other hand, secondary infertility is difficulty conceiving after already having conceived (and either carried the pregnancy to term, or had a miscarriage). Technically, secondary infertility is not present if there has been a change of partners.


What causes infertility?Infertility may be due to problems in the female, the male or a combination of both. In some cases, the cause is not known.Some common female factors that may cause or contribute to infertility include:

Damage to the fallopian tubes following infection or surgery;

Uterine fibroids;

High levels of the hormone prolactin;

Ovulation problems;


Pelvic inflammatory disease;

Galactorhoea (milk leaking from the breasts).

Amennorhoea (absence of periods).

Hostile cervical mucus. This is a condition in which the cervical mucus creates a thick barrier that sperm cannot penetrate.

Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia;

The production of sperm antibodies (when a woman develops antibodies to her partner’s sperm).

Others are

male associated infertility
age-related factors
uterine problems
previous tubal ligation
previous vasectomy
unexplained infertility
Tuberculosis (TB)

Recent research suggests that psychological issues, such as anxiety resulting from a lack of emotional support, can lead to hormonal problems that affect a woman’s fertility.
Male infertility is often caused by a low sperm count or an anatomical abnormality, such as a palpable dilation of veins in the scrotal area known as varicocoele. Other contributing factors can be attributed to how the sperm move (motility), or an abnormal sperm type. A few reasons for low sperm count include prolonged fever or a recent severe illness, excessive alcohol consumption, endocrine disorders, testicular injury and exposure to toxins, radiation or high heat.

Infertility Caused By Abortion

There is a risk of becoming infertile after an abortion, arising from various complications. If you have had a first trimester abortion (in the first 13 weeks) this is done by vacuum suction which can cause perforation of the womb. This is when the womb ruptures and causes internal bleeding. It is life threatening and the surgeon would be required to do additional surgery to repair the damage. Sometimes after this has occurred, the damage to the womb prevents another embryo from attaching. Rupture happens in about 1% of cases, so if 100 women had an abortion, one of them would have this problem.
The main abortion complications that could cause infertility:
90% of abortions are done in the first trimester. However, a late abortion frequently requires a material called laminaria to dilate the cervix. This makes the passage large enough to allow a suction tube to be inserted. The laminaria could weaken the cervix and conceivably cause infertility.
If the physician scrapes too hard, the lower lining of the uterus can be removed. This is extremely rare.
An untreated infection can scar the uterus and cause later fertility problems. The infection rate for first trimester abortions is less than 1%. Most women monitor their body temperature after an abortion to detect if an infection has occurred. Early detection should prevent any problems.
A woman who already have gonorrhea or chlamydia are very likely to suffer pelvic inflammatory disease which causes infertility. They are particularly susceptible to damage from PID after an abortion. This can be avoided by obtaining a STD test before the abortion.
The suction tube can perforate both the uterus and a large blood vessel or intestine. If the latter happens, then surgery may be required. The surgery can cause infertility. Perforation of the uterus is also quite rare. 2
It would seem that if the physician is competent, and the woman monitors her body temperature after the procedure, that the chances of an abortion causing later infertility is quite remote.


[1] Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound scan is a simple and easy outpatient procedure to examine the internal reproductive organs. It can clearly show the position and size of uterus, endometrial lining and the ovaries. Certain abnormal conditions such as fibroid, double uterus and ovarian cyst can be diagnosed through ultrasound scan alone. In addition, ultrasound scan can be used for the diagnosis of ovulation.
Ultrasound scan appears as a routine practice in the management of infertility, from the initial stages of diagnosis of the cause of infertility, to the eventual confirmation of pregnancy, including routine monitoring of early pregnancy. Ultrasound scan is probably the most important test in investigation of infertility. A well-preformed and detailed ultrasound scan of the female pelvis will give more information than any other single test.

[a] Transvaginal Scan for Uterine and Ovarian function
[b] Folliculometry [Follicular tracking]
[c] Sonohysterography [SonoHSG]

[2] HSG [X-Ray] Study to evaluate the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes

[3] Semen analysis
[4] Post-coital cervix test
[5] Sperm migration tests
[6] Ovulation tests
[7] Cervical mucus tests
[8] Hormone blood tests
[9] Uterus examination tests
[9] Fallopian tube examination tests
[10] Laparoscopy
[11] Laparotomy

Typically, couples are seen together when diagnosing infertility. The doctor will take a note of the couples' full medical histories and this will be followed by an examination. They will also be asked about the use of prescribed or illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and whether there is a family history of infertility or genetic disorders.
Women can expect questions about their menstrual history, including the age of onset and any difficulties with menstruation. They also will be asked whether they have noticed milk leaking from their breasts.
Women may have to undergo a genital examination, as well as a cervical smear. Blood tests are taken to measure prolactin levels and thyroid function and sometimes to test for certain hormone levels, such as progesterone and oestradiol. A post-coital test, which is similar to a cervical smear, may be required to see if the sperm can penetrate the cervical mucus. Sometimes an ultrasound scan of the pelvis is taken to check for fibroids in the uterine cavity. A laparoscopy also may be performed, in which a lighted camera is passed through a hole in the abdomen to look at the pelvic structures. Occasionally, a hysteroscopy is required, in which a thin, lighted tube is passed into the uterus to directly examine it.
Men will be required to provide a semen analysis. They must abstain from sexual intercourse for three days before providing the sample. If the initial sample is abnormal, another will be required. The volume of semen, the sperm count, how the sperm move (motility), as well as the presence of immature sperm are checked. If the second sample is abnormal, your doctor may advise the man to have a genetic blood test is performed to make sure that there are no chromosomal abnormalities or defective genes that could be passed on to potential offspring. Blood tests also may be taken to determine levels of testosterone.

Increasing your chances naturallyIf you have been having trouble conceiving do not give up hope, as spontaneous pregnancy may occur on its own. In many cases, couples are simply not having enough sex at the right time to conceive. To increase the chance of getting pregnant, intercourse should take place around the time of ovulation.
For women with a regular 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs around day 13-15. Women with irregular periods will find it more difficult to pinpoint their most fertile time. Some over-the-counter tests can help you determine the best time to conceive, although no products are guaranteed to be 100% accurate. Indications for ovulation include a rise in body temperature and a thinning of the cervical mucus. A female egg lives only twelve hours, however sperm can survive in the female genitals for close to 72 hours. Sperm that are waiting in the female genitals can immediately fertilise the eggs once ovulation begins so you will increase your chances by having regular sex for a few days before ovulation. Lubricants that contain spermicides, such as K-Y Jelly, should be avoided.
In situations where a woman develops antibodies to her partner’s sperm, the use of a condom for thirty days may allow time for the antibodies to decrease and intercourse should then take place during ovulation.
Infertility drugsIf timing intercourse around ovulation does not work, a general physician may then prescribe various courses of treatment, such as stimulating ovulation with a drug called Clomiphene. Side effects include hot flushes, vaginal dryness and ovarian cyst formation. The number of eggs that you release cannot be controlled precisely so there is a chance that several eggs could be released at once thereby increasing your risk of multiple pregnancyOther drug treatments include the use of either Bromocriptine or Cabergoline, which act to reduce the levels of prolactin. Check with your general physician about possible side effects of any drug prescribed.
What about assisted reproduction techniques?
There are several ways of bringing sperm and egg together to achieve fertilisation.
The most commonly performed procedures areIUI [Intrauterine Insemination], IVF (In vitro fertilisation) and ICSI (Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection).

If you're having trouble getting pregnant, your doctor may recommend an intrauterine insemination (IUI) -- a relatively noninvasive and inexpensive way to boost your chances of conceiving.
With an IUI, your partner provides a sperm sample at home or in the doctor's office on the same day of the insemination. Then, his sperm are "washed" -- that is, the sperm are separated from the semen and concentrated; the washing also cleanses the sperm of potentially hazardous chemicals that could harm the uterus. The resulting liquid is placed in a thin soft tube and injected high into your uterus. This positions the sperm much closer to the fallopian tubes, where it will have to be for one of them to fertilize an egg.

If you don't have a male partner, or if your partner is unable to produce viable sperm, you can undergo the same procedure using frozen sperm purchased from a sperm bank.
The procedure takes only a few minutes. You may experience mild cramping, but it's usually brief and you can resume your activities immediately afterward.
Am I a good candidate for IUI?
The procedure works well for many women under 45 with certain fertility problems (whose partners have viable sperm), and for those in the same age group without male partners who are trying to get pregnant using donated sperm. Some infertility groups say it is less likely to work if women are over 42 or even 40. It's a common treatment for women who have ovulation problems or unexplained infertility, or whose partners have low sperm counts, poorly shaped sperm, or problems with sperm motility (ability to travel).
IUI is particularly appropriate when the woman has been prescribed clomiphene citrate (Clomid or Serophene) to stimulate ovulation, since this medication can result in cervical mucous that is thick and difficult for the sperm to swim through.
Fertility specialists don't usually advise women who have blocked fallopian tubes, severe tubal damage, or very poor egg quality to try IUI. They are also unlikely to suggest this treatment if a man has more than a mild problem with his sperm quality. It's standard to have a thorough fertility workup, including an evaluation for hormonal imbalances, infections, or blockages, before trying IUI.
Single women, couples where the man has no viable sperm, and lesbian couples using donor sperm are also good candidates for intrauterine insemination. Because donor sperm is often frozen and a woman's chances of getting pregnant are reduced using frozen -- as opposed to fresh -- sperm, IUI is a relatively easy way to boost the odds. It's more effective, say doctors, than using a plastic syringe to position the sperm on the cervix, a procedure known as intracervical insemination (ICI) that women generally do at home.
Will I need to take fertility drugs?
IUI is timed to occur in the most fertile period of your cycle, or ovulation. In some cases, women receive intrauterine inseminations without having to take drugs. Although there's no universal agreement, many fertility specialists feel women have a better chance of getting pregnant if they combine IUI with a drug that stimulates the ovaries to produce mature eggs. If you are having ovulation problems, your doctor may have you take an ovulation-stimulating drug, such as clomiphene, for several weeks before doing the IUI.
If you are injected with ovarian stimulation drugs, your doctor will need to monitor you carefully with blood tests and ultrasounds beginning on the sixth day of your cycle. Women taking these drugs are at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a rare but potentially life-threatening condition marked by abnormal swelling of the ovaries and fluid collection in the abdomen.
What are the other risks of IUI?
Complications of IUI are infrequent, according to fertility experts. Besides the risks of combined IUI and fertility drug treatment, they include infection and the possibility of venereal disease. To lessen the risk of disease, fertility clinics should quarantine all frozen specimens of sperm for 180 days and retest the donor for HIV before releasing the sperm, according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Although some fertility clinics offer fresh donor sperm, the society recommends against its use.
How long will it take to get pregnant?
Specialists recommend from three to six cycles of IUI before you consider moving to a more invasive or expensive treatment, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

IVF is only considered in special cases and is not suitable for everyone. In vitro candidates are women who have experienced pelvic disease, endometriosis or unexplained infertility. The process involves an intensive programme of hormonal treatments and harvesting of the eggs. The eggs are then mixed with sperm in a laboratory, (typically 1000,000 sperm to one egg to allow one or more embryos to form) after which the embryo is transferred to the uterus. The success rate varies, although the average is about 20-30%.

ICSI is often done if the sperm count is low or if sperm are unable to fertilise an egg. One sperm is injected directly into the centre (nucleus) of one egg using a very fine needle. In some circumstances if sperm cannot be obtained from semen they can be taken straight out of the testicles under an anaesthetic. This procedure is known as TESA (testicular sperm aspiration). ICSI has an average success rate of 35-40%.

GIFT (Gamete Intra-fallopian transfer) is less commonly used but is sometimes performed if there are cervical barriers to conception. IUI (Inta uterine insemination) where the sperm are flushed into the uterus via the cervix by means of a fine catheter is also occasionally done.

Can complementary therapies help?
Herbs that may enhance sexual functioning in men include damiana, ginseng, sarsaparilla and saw palmetto. Damiana, dong quai, ginseng, gotu kola and wild yam root may enhance sexual function in women. Most of these herbs are available in tablet form from health food shops but you should consult a qualified herbalist and check with your GP before taking them.

As anxiety may contribute to infertility, incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine.
The importance of preconceptual careIf you are trying to get pregnant, regardless of the method, you should drink only in moderation, do not smoke and avoid any drugs other than those prescribed by your physician. Exercise only lightly and avoid hot tubs and saunas, as they may lead to a lowered sperm count or changes in ovulation. Be sure to get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your daily diet, as they contain folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects in the baby. Maintain an appropriate body weight, as being over- or underweight can affect fertility. Also, make sure you receive a rubella vaccination if you have not already had one. It is important to note that pregnancy should be avoided for three months after a rubella immunisation.

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, offer comprehensive infertility screening tests for both couples like Transvaginal Scan for uterine and ovarian functions,Ovulation/follicular tracking, HSG to evaluate the fallopian tubes, blood tests for hormone check, semen analysis etc. We also offer a simple assisted reproductive procedure like INTRAUTERINE INSEMINATION [IUI].
For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.

Dr. Victor Efughi
Consultant Clinical Specialist Sonographer

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


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+23418112054 +2348023069403


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Thursday, July 23, 2009



She was such a young and pretty lady of 24years of age.
I tell you the truth she was really well endowed especially at the chest level.
She walked up to me at the clinic and requested to consult with me.I took her into my office and tried to find out what was wrong with her.She told me that her breasts were the problem. I was astonished. ‘’What do you mean?’’. She informed me that some few years back she noticed a lump or hardness in one of her breast, but was too shy to tell anyone, not even her parents, but instead of the hardness going soft, it increased in size and number, affecting the second breast, then became really painful.
Because she was still embarrassed to show them to anyone, she kept quiet hoping the problem will go away as they came. The embarrassment was so much that she could not keep a boyfriend.
The situation got worse, until recently when she started noticing brownish bloody discharge from her nipples that she really got scared. ‘’Lucky me’’, she decided to talk to me.I did an ultrasound of her breasts and found so many masses in them, which were latter comfirmed to be cancerous.
An xray of her chest was done , we found out that the cancer has eaten into her lungs and her backbones.It was a sorry state, it was too late. This young pretty lady have just a short time to live, because the cancer have spread extensively.
After some months she died. What a tragic end?
This is the situation with many young girls to mature ladies in Nigeria, we have a social stigma problem that make it difficult for us to complain early and save lives. If that young lady had complained many years ago when she noticed the first lump, she would have lived. In this article I am going to really write long , because this is a very serious issue, it is killing our sisters, wives, mothers and grandmothers. I am very concerned because that young lady is not the only one I knew that died of breast cancer. I want this to stop, so I must sound a serious warning to you ladies that read this blog
In this article we are going to look at the causes, symptoms, screening tests, diagnosis, treatments and your own participation.


Breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the breast, usually in the inner lining of the milk ducts or lobules.Breast cancer is the most common causes of cancer in women and the second most common cause of cancer death of women in Nigeria. Breast cancer can affect ladies of all ages that have developed breasts.I know that when we talk of breast , it is as if only women are affected. The truth is that men do also have breast cancer.However breast cancer is about 100 times more frequent among women as among men.


The first symptom or subjective sign of breast cancer is typically a lump that feels different from the surrounding breast tissues. More than 80% of breast cancer cases are discovered when the woman feels a lump.The first medical sign or objective indication of breast cancer as detected by a physician is discovered by mammography [xray] and sonomammography [ultrasound of the breasts].Lumps found in lymph nodes located in the armpits can also indicate breast cancer. Indications of breast cancer other than a lump may include changes in breast size and shape, skin dimpling, nipple inversion, or spontaneous single-nipple discharge. Pain is an unreliable tool in determining the presence or absence of breast cancer , but may be indicative of other breast health symptoms


[1] Lumps in breasts
[2] Increase in breast size
[3] Change in breast shape
[4] Skin dimpling of the breast
[5] Nipple inversion
[6] Spontaneous single-nipple discharge
[7] Pain
[8] Skin inflammation which includes pain, swelling, warmth, redness as well as an orange-peel texture of the skin.
[9] Tingling, itching, increased sensitivity and burning Most symptoms of breast disorder do not turn out to represent underlying breast cancer. Benign breast diseases such as mastitis and fibroadenoma of the breast are more common causes of breast disorders.


No one knows the exact causes of breast cancer. Doctors often cannot explain why one woman develops breast cancer and another does not. They do know that bumping, bruising, or touching the breast does not cause cancer. And breast cancer is not contagious. You cannot "catch" it from another person.Research has shown that women with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop breast cancer. A risk factor is something that may increase the chance of developing a disease.Studies have found the following risk factors for breast cancer:

Age: The chance of getting breast cancer goes up as a woman gets older. Most cases of breast cancer occur in women over 60. This disease is not common before menopause.
Personal history of breast cancer: A woman who had breast cancer in one breast has an increased risk of getting cancer in her other breast.

Family history: A woman's risk of breast cancer is higher if her mother, sister, or daughter had breast cancer. The risk is higher if her family member got breast cancer before age 40. Having other relatives with breast cancer (in either her mother's or father's family) may also increase a woman's risk.

Certain breast changes: Some women have cells in the breast that look abnormal under a microscope. Having certain types of abnormal cells (atypical hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ [LCIS]) increases the risk of breast cancer.

Gene changes: Changes in certain genes increase the risk of breast cancer. These genes include BRCA1, BRCA2, and others. Tests can sometimes show the presence of specific gene changes in families with many women who have had breast cancer. Health care providers may suggest ways to try to reduce the risk of breast cancer, or to improve the detection of this disease in women who have these changes in their genes.

Reproductive and menstrual history:
The older a woman is when she has her first child, the greater her chance of breast cancer.
Women who had their first menstrual period before age 12 are at an increased risk of breast cancer.
Women who went through menopause after age 55 are at an increased risk of breast cancer.
Women who never had children are at an increased risk of breast cancer.
Women who take menopausal hormone therapy with estrogen plus progestin after menopause also appear to have an increased risk of breast cancer.
Large, well-designed studies have shown no link between abortion or miscarriage and breast cancer.

Race: Breast cancer is diagnosed more often in white women than Latina, Asian, or African American women.

Radiation therapy to the chest: Women who had radiation therapy to the chest (including breasts) before age 30 are at an increased risk of breast cancer. This includes women treated with radiation for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Studies show that the younger a woman was when she received radiation treatment, the higher her risk of breast cancer later in life.

Breast density: Breast tissue may be dense or fatty. Older women whose mammograms (breast x-rays) show more dense tissue are at increased risk of breast cancer.
Taking DES (diethylstilbestrol): DES was given to some pregnant women in the United States between about 1940 and 1971. (It is no longer given to pregnant women.) Women who took DES during pregnancy may have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer. The possible effects on their daughters are under study.

Being overweight or obese after menopause: The chance of getting breast cancer after menopause is higher in women who are overweight or obese.
Lack of physical activity: Women who are physically inactive throughout life may have an increased risk of breast cancer. Being active may help reduce risk by preventing weight gain and obesity .

Drinking alcohol: Studies suggest that the more alcohol a woman drinks, the greater her risk of breast cancer.Other possible risk factors are under study. Researchers are studying the effect of diet, physical activity, and genetics on breast cancer risk. They are also studying whether certain substances in the environment can increase the risk of breast cancer.
Many risk factors can be avoided. Others, such as family history, cannot be avoided. Women can help protect themselves by staying away from known risk factors whenever possible. But it is also important to keep in mind that most women who have known risk factors do not get breast cancer. Also, most women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease. In fact, except for growing older, most women with breast cancer have no clear risk factors. If you think you may be at risk, you should discuss this concern with your doctor. Your doctor may be able to suggest ways to reduce your risk and can plan a schedule for checkups.


Breast self-exam

You may perform monthly breast self-exams to check for any changes in your breasts. It is important to remember that changes can occur because of aging, your menstrual cycle, pregnancy , menopause, or taking birth control pills or other hormones. It is normal for breasts to feel a little lumpy and uneven. Also, it is common for your breasts to be swollen and tender right before or during your menstrual period. You should contact your health care provider if you notice any unusual changes in your breasts. Breast self-exams cannot replace regular screening mammograms and clinical breast exams. Studies have not shown that breast self-exams alone reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer.

Clinical breast exam

During a clinical breast exam, your health care provider checks your breasts. You may be asked to raise your arms over your head, let them hang by your sides, or press your hands against your hips. Your health care provider looks for differences in size or shape between your breasts. The skin of your breasts is checked for a rash , dimpling, or other abnormal signs. Your nipples may be squeezed to check for fluid. Using the pads of the fingers to feel for lumps, your health care provider checks your entire breast, underarm, and collarbone area. A lump is generally the size of a pea before anyone can feel it. The exam is done on one side, then the other. Your health care provider checks the lymph nodes near the breast to see if they are enlarged. A thorough clinical breast exam may take about 10 minutes

Screening mammogram

To find breast cancer early, NCI recommends that:
Women in their 40s and older should have mammograms every 1 to 2 years. A mammogram is a picture of the breast made with x-rays.
Women who are younger than 40 and have risk factors for breast cancer should ask their health care provider whether to have mammograms and how often to have them.Mammograms can often show a breast lump before it can be felt. They also can show a cluster of tiny specks of calcium. These specks are called microcalcifications. Lumps or specks can be from cancer, precancerous cells, or other conditions. Further tests are needed to find out if abnormal cells are present.If an abnormal area shows up on your mammogram, you may need to have more x-rays. You also may need a biopsy . A biopsy is the only way to tell for sure if cancer is present.Mammograms are the best tool doctors have to find breast cancer early. However, mammograms are not perfect:
A mammogram may miss some cancers. (The result is called a "false negative.")
A mammogram may show things that turn out not to be cancer. (The result is called a "false positive.")
Some fast-growing tumors may grow large or spread to other parts of the body before a mammogram detects them.Mammograms (as well as dental x-rays, and other routine x-rays) use very small doses of radiation. The risk of any harm is very slight, but repeated x-rays could cause problems. The benefits nearly always outweigh the risk. You should talk with your health care provider about the need for each x-ray. You should also ask for shields to protect parts of your body that are not in the picture.


Sonomammography is ultrasound of the breasts. It is used as a complimentary test to mammography in patients with dense breasts or even in patients with breast lumps. It is done quite regularly with mammographyX-ray mammography has been the role to detect breast cancer. That gave rise to a "X-rayed way" to look for Cancer. However another good option working since the early 50s: Breast ultrasound or sonomammography.
1. Breast Ultrasound can detect whether a lump is a malignant mass or a benign cyst. While there are a few exceptions, ultrasound can do it while mammography cannot.
2. Ultrasound It is relatively inexpensive and most mammograms must be complemented with ultrasound. As ultrasound is already used for diagnosis, we could skip one step and use it for screening and diagnosis.
3. Sonomammography is painless. Many patients say mammography hurts
4. Sonomammography scans the whole breast. Mammography scans almost all the breast
5. Ultrasound is safer: mechanical waves with very low power and very short exposition time. Mammography uses X-rays whose adverse effects are cumulative
6. Ultrasound works for dense breast. Mammography does not.
7. Modern Ultrasound devices are digital and can use computer-aided detection systems very easily.


Further testing is necessary to confirm whether a lump detected on screening is cancer, as opposed to a benign alternative such as a simple cyst.In a clinical setting, breast cancer is commonly diagnosed using a "triple test" of clinical breast examination (breast examination by a trained medical practitioner), mammography/sonomammography, and fine needle aspiration cytology.
Both mammography/sonomammography and clinical breast exam, also used for screening, can indicate an approximate likelihood that a lump is cancer, and may also identify any other lesions.
Fine Needle Aspiration and Cytology (FNAC), which may be done in a GP's office using local anaesthetic if required, involves attempting to extract a small portion of fluid from the lump. Clear fluid makes the lump highly unlikely to be cancerous, but bloody fluid may be sent off for inspection under a microscope for cancerous cells. Together, these three tools can be used to diagnose breast cancer with a good degree of accuracy.Other options for biopsy include core biopsy, where a section of the breast lump is removed, and an excisional biopsy, where the entire lump is removed.


Regular exercise, weight loss, avoidance of alcohol, stressors, toxic chemicals and environmental pollutants are all helpful measures in the prevention of breast cancer. Dietary inclusion of dried beans, cruciferous vegetables , and whole grains have also proven beneficial. Brazil nuts, rich in the mineral selenium , when combined with natural vitamin E as found in almonds and walnuts are also highly effective in reducing cancer risk.


The mainstay of breast cancer treatment is surgery when the tumor is localized, with possible adjuvant hormonal therapy (with tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor], chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy.

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria , offers breast ultrasound screening with colour doppler for accuracy in diagnosis.We also offer mammography studies. For accurate assessment of your breast contact JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun lagos Nigeria.

Dr. Victor Efughi
Consultant Clinical Specialist Sonographer

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


We are located at
JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street, Opposite Synagogue Church Busstop, Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos, Nigeria, WestAfrica.

The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Some years ago, I knew a young couple. This couple loved each other so much, anyway that is what I assumed, because you need to see them, always by themselves, attending parties together , going to special places together, hand in hand, kissing in public places and those hot hugging and romancing .
After some years together , the lady got pregnant. The young man was very happy and started making marriage arrangements.
He told all his friends and family members, they were very happy for him and joined him in the celebration because everyone knew them to be a very lovely loving couple, and their trying to get married is not a surprise but a thing to celebrate .
The couple went to the hospital together, did all the necessary things including an obstetric ultrasound scan to see the forming baby in the womb.
They both celebrated , and went to their different homes with an arrangement to meet again in their usual meeting place the next week.
That week came, the young man went to their usual arranged meeting place , the young pregnant lady did not show up, he was so worried ‘’what has happened to his pregnant fiancĂ©e?’’ ‘’is the baby alright?’’.
He decided to look for her. He found her, she gave him some stories, he accepted the explanation but did not believe her , because she sounded different , he knew something has changed in her behaviour and comportment, he could not understand. She is pregnant for him, so nothing can really go wrong in their relationship now.
They made another arrangement to meet, she did not show up again. She continued to evade him for weeks. He became really bothered. His family noticed the worry in him, asked him, but he had no answer for them nor for himself.
He again tried to see her, no way, when he pressed more, she straightly informed him to KEEP OFF , because she is about to marry ANOTHER MAN, who is the owner of her pregnancy , and all the arrangement for her forth coming marriage ceremony had being completed.
The young man was so confused, he almost went mad, he even contemplated committing suicide.
After he recovered from himself and from a week in hospital admission, he contacted a lawyer and sued the lady, her family and the new man in her life to court. Asking the court to declare the child his after delivery.
It was a very long and tedious court case , that cost all the families lots of money.
This situation may not arise if the young man had just waited till the lady delivers and just underwent a simple DNA Paternity Test to prove that the baby was his.
Recently a man brought his wife to our clinic including their families , and they starting shouting accusations at each other and almost started a fight. The man was accusing his wife of many years of infidelity and claiming that the baby his wife carried does not look like anyone in their families, so was not his.
All these situations are really embarrassing and need not arise, I just called him aside and told him that all he needs is just a simple DNA Paternity Testing, so there is no need for the fight and embarrassing situation. What if he was wrong , and was accusing his innocent wife of many years wrongly.


Parental /Paternity Testing is the use of genetic fingerprinting to determine whether two individuals have a biological parent-child relationship. A paternity test establishes genetic proof whether a man is the biological father of an individual, and a maternity test establishes whether a woman is the biological mother of an individual. Though genetic testing is the most reliable standard, older methods also exist including ABO blood group typing, analysis of various other proteins and enzymes, or using human leukocyte antigen antigens. The current techniques for paternal testing are using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism.DNA testing is currently the most advanced and accurate technology to determine parentage. In a DNA parentage test, the probability of parentage is 0% when the alleged parent is not biologically related to the child and the probability of paternity typically greater than 99.9% when the alleged parent is biologically related to the child.

[1] DNA Paternity test is very accurate, and will yield results that indicate either a probability of paternity greater than 90% [inclusion] or 0% [exclusion].

[2] Blood or cheek cells swab are used for DNA Paternity Testing.

[3] For Partenity tests, JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX [DNA Paternity Testing Center] will provide a detailed and comprehensive report withing 14—28 working days after receiving the specimens.

[4] If the two alleged fathers are related, it is best to test both alleged fathers.

[5] If the alleged father is not available. Paternity can still be established by testing other known family members to reconstruct the DNA lineage. Aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings and grandparents can all be used to reconstruct family relationships.

[6] There are no age limits for the child. The swab specimen collection kits can be used on infants. Expectant mothers can participate in a prenatal paternity test.

[7] DNA Paternity Testing offers a proven method of determining paternity before a child is born.

To determine paternity of an unborn child, a medical doctor [obs/gyn] will have to perform a procedure called Amniocentesis [or CVS]JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX [DNA Paternity Testing Center] can either work directly with your current physician or assist you with finding a physician in your area.Prenatal DNA Testing allows for early determination of paternity

[a] CVS can be done in 10 – 12 weeks gestation
[b] Amniocentesis can be done at 12 --- 21 weeks gestation.

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, in collaboration with their European DNA Testing Center partner has being providing DNA Paternity Testing for the Nigeria public.

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, is commited to ensuring a consistently high level of quality .There is no need of embarrasing yourself , and your wife or partner, it can be done quietly and confidentially, just contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, and we can advise you and solve your paternity issues, and everyone will be happy.

Dr. Victor Efughi
Consultant Clinical Specialist Sonographer

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for quality and accurate Diagnostic Tests, ContactJOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX


We are located at

JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street, Opposite Synagogue Church Busstop, Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos, Nigeria, WestAfrica.

TEL: +23418112054



The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.The informations provided in this site is subject to change without notice.This site may contain links to other internet sites, we are not responsible for the privacy, practices nor the content of such sites, nor their relationships

Friday, July 17, 2009

of course he was such a young and energetic man, with very ............

Thursday, July 16, 2009



Many years ago, we had a young man [patient] in our clinic, he was a rich young man that worked with one of the large oil companies in Lagos.
He was having this continuous headaches that was persistent, this is popularly called migraine.
He came to our clinic and my boss then, checked him out. I did all the tests on him, the only thing we found was that his blood pressure was high, almost all other things was normal.
He was advised to rest for some days. The man was a senior executive and very busy man at that, he could not find time to rest, he had to travel to Abuja today, Portharcourt tomorrow, close a deal here and there, without him in the office the job may not go on.
After about a week, my boss called me into his office to inform me that Mr. Lagbaja had passed away, I was shocked but not surprised , of course he was such a young and energetic man, with very many years to go. We learnt that after coming back from work one evening, he went to bed and never woke up [He was found DEAD].
Nigeria is a really stressed up place, many things to do and think about, so many people have being moving about without knowing that they are almost DEAD MEN WALKING. They are just death waiting to happen, many of them have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.

Many pregnant women have high blood pressure, and this is very dangerous, they can have convulsion during delivery, some even choke to death during the convulsion if no experienced person is there to help them.
In this article we are going to look at High Blood Pressure, the cause of it, diagnostic tests and prevention/treatment.
High Blood Pressure popularly called HYPERTENSION, is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, aortic aneurysm, and other health problems.
Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps out blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.
What makes high blood pressure important is that initially it may cause no symptoms, but can still cause serious long term complications.
Many people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it.
Public awareness of these dangers has increased, high blood pressure has become second most common reason for death in Nigeria.
Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff, this is an instrument known as a sphygmomanometer. Normal blood pressure measurement is 120mmHg systolic and 80mmHg diastolic.
High blood pressure in adults is defined as a consistently elevated blood pressure of 140mmHg systolic and 90mmHg diastolic or higher.
About one in four adults aged 18years and older have high blood pressure [whether male or female].
Uncontrolled high blood pressure is indirectly responsible for many deaths and disability resulting from heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.


In about 10% of people, high blood pressure is caused by another disease. In such cases when the root cause is treated , blood pressure usually returns to normal.
These causes include
[1] Chronic kidney disease
[2] Tumour or other diseases of the adrenal gland.
[3] Coarctation of the aorta---A narrowing of the aorta that you are born with that can cause high blood pressure to your arm.
[4] Pregnancy
[5] Use of birth control pills
[6] Alcohol addiction
[7] Thyroid dysfunction
[8] Age --- The older you get, the greater the likelihood that you will develop high blood pressure.
[9] Family history[hereditary]—The tendency to have high blood pressure appears to run in the family.
[10] Gender --- Men have greater likelihood of developing high blood pressure than women.
[11] Overweight [obesity]
[12] Lack of exercise [physical inactivity]
[132] Certain drugs


High blood pressure itself usually has no symptoms. Rarely headaches may occur. That is why it is labelled ‘’The Silent Killer’’
Sometimes people with high blood pressure have the following symptoms
[a] Headaches
[b] Dizziness
[c] Blurred vision
[d] Nausea
If diagnosis and treatment is not sought, the following types of organ damage may occur
[a] Heart attack
[b] Heart failure
[c] Stroke
[d] Kidney failure
[e] Eye damage with loss of vision
[f] Out pouching of the aorta, called aortic aneurysm.


[1] Manual checking of the blood pressure with a blood pressure machine called sphygmomanometer.
[2] Ultrasound of the abdominal organs especially the kidneys and adrenal glands
[3] Urine and Blood tests to exclude kidney disease and diabetes
[4] Fasting blood tests to determine the level of your cholesterol and other fats in the blood.
[5] Electrocardiograph [ECG]
[6] Echocardiography
[7] Plain chest X-Ray
[8] Colour doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the upper and lower limbs


[1] Don’t smoke cigarrettes or use any tobacco product
[2] Lose weight if you are overweight
[3] Exercise regularly
[4] Eat a healthy diet that include lots of fruits , vegetables, and is low in fat.
[5] Limit your sodium, alcohol, and caffeine intake
[6] Try relaxation techniques .

Treatments depend on the cause of the high blood pressure.

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, have many of this blood pressure cuffs [sphygmomanometer] with qualified and experienced medical professionals that will check your BLOOD PRESSURE for FREE at anytime you visit us.

Dr. Victor Efughi
Consultant Clinical Specialist Sonographer

For FREE check of your BLOOD PRESSURE, and also FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


We are located at

JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street, Opposite Synagogue Church Busstop, Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos, Nigeria, WestAfrica.
TEL: +23418112054


The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.The informations provided in this site is subject to change without notice.This site may contain links to other internet sites, we are not responsible for the privacy, practices nor the content of such sites, nor their relationships

Monday, July 13, 2009

I came to the office one morning to meet our female receptionist weeping on her desk with her hand guarding her pelvic region, before I could.......